Batched Jobs (Beta)

Configure portfolio view or query requests to batch them for faster results.

  1. Set up a view and get the URL.
  2. Prepare the request for the Jobs API.
  3. Run the request.
  4. Download the results.

How it works
A single job request is split into many requests that run in parallel. When the results are ready they are computed back into a single source.


Beta Feature

Batched jobs and all features described herein are in the Addepar Beta Program. All beta features described herein are provided “as is'” and “as available” with no warranty or guarantee of functionality and may be modified or removed at any time by Addepar.

Step 1: Set up a view and get view ID from the URL

Set up a view following the batch guidelines and get the view ID from the URL. You can also set up a portfolio query job following the same guidelines.


Batch guidelines

To get the most out of batched jobs, minimize the number of positions in a single row within your view. For example, if you group by Asset Class or Country, there will be many positions in a single row. Instead, group by position, holding account, or top level owner.

The view cannot include the following settings:

  • Total row display setting (To turn off go to View Settings > General settings > Show total row)
  • Filter by groupings or rank (You can filter by range and position)
  • Summary data applied to a table row
  • Advanced tables or pivot tables

The view cannot include the following attributes:

  • Attributes: Vintage Year, Time Period Grouping, Target Allocations
  • All billing attributes
  • All benchmark attributes
  • Attribute Arguments: Percent of Total Portfolio, Percent of Visible Portfolio, Percent of Current Grouping

Example: Get the View ID from the URL in Addepar


You can see that the view was grouped by legal entity for faster results.

Example: Get the View ID via API

200 OK: Success

  "data": [
      "id": "19",
      "type": "portfolio_views",
      "attributes": {
        "share_type": "PERSONAL",
        "display_name": "AdvancedTable"
      "links": {
        "self": "/v1/portfolio_views/19"
      "id": "74894",
      "type": "portfolio_views",
      "attributes": {
        "share_type": "FIRM",
        "display_name": "owner1"
      "links": {
        "self": "/v1/portfolio_views/2"
      "id": "4",
      "type": "portfolio_views",
      "attributes": {
        "share_type": "PORTAL",
        "display_name": "TOTAL RETURN VIEW"
      "links": {
        "self": "/v1/portfolio_views/4"
  "included": [],
  "links": {
    "next": null

Step 2: Prepare the request for the Jobs API

Add the header Addepar-Compute-Type : BATCH to your request.

--header 'Addepar-Firm: 1' 
--header 'Authorization: Basic YmZiYWFlZjUtZmYwMC11MWZkLWE0Y2YtYjg4MjcxNmQzZGVjOjlPdU40d3RRbz'
--header 'accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
--header 'Addepar-Compute-Type': “BATCH”

Step 3: Run the request

Run your request using the Jobs API.

POST /v1/jobs



HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


Response codes:

  • 202 Accepted: Success. Returns JSON with created job information.
  • 400 Bad Request: Bad JSON: API format, missing or incorrectly formatted parameters or unsupported batch request.
  • 403 Forbidden: User lacks API permission or has not granted the appropriate scope.

Step 4: Download the results

Returns the results of the given job.



Job results are deleted 24 hours after a job is created.

GET /v1/jobs/:id/download


HTTP/1.1 200

Content-Disposition: attachment; file name="portfolio_data.json"
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json


Response Codes:

  • 200 OK: Success. Returns a JSON, CSV, TSV or XLSX as requested.
  • 303 See Other: Completed asynchronous job. Follow the link in the "Location" header to retrieve the results
  • 404 Not Found: Job has not completed or does not return any results
  • 410 Gone: Results have expired


You can also check the status of a job and delete a job. See the Jobs API for more information.