The Jobs API allows you to export large sets of analysis data asynchronously and download the results any time within 24 hours of the initial request. This is useful for protection from long-running requests that may be impacted by unreliable networks.

Base Route/v1/jobs


Application Permissions Required"API Access: Create, edit, and delete" and access to view the portfolio data requested.

Resource Overview

The Jobs API returns a resource object described by the below attributes, including the status, errors, and any Portfolio API parameters used in the job. Asynchronous job requests can be made for both the Portfolio Query and View APIs.

All attributes will be returned in successful GET & POST responses.

job_typeType of job. String. Required."portfolio_view_results"
started_atThe start time of the job in UTC. String. ISO 8601 date format."2020-04-15T21:30:16Z"
completed_atThe completed time of the job in UTC. String. ISO 8601 date format."2020-04-15T21:30:17Z"
percent_completePercentage complete. Number.1.0
statusThe current status of the job. String.See "Status" below.
errorsErrors that occurred running the job. Object.See "Errors" below.
parametersThe parameters required to create the type of job specified. Array of Objects.See "Parameters" below.


QueuedJob has not yet been processed by Addepar servers.
In Progress - Waiting For CapacityJob has been placed back in queue because there is no available capacity.
In ProgressJob is currently being processed by Addepar servers.
Picked Up By Job RunnerJob has been picked up by the server and is waiting to run.
CompletedJob has finished processing. Results can be retrieved from the URL in the Location header.
CanceledJob was canceled by the user.
Timed OutJob results have expired and results have been deleted. Results are deleted 24 hours after a job is created.
FailedJob processing failed due to a server issue. Error details are unavailable.
RejectedJob exceeds the maximum quota of the queue.
Error CancelledJob canceled due to an error. Details are provided within the error field of the response.
Cancel RequestedJob in progress and has received a request to cancel.
User CancelledJob canceled.


statusHTTP status code."400"
titleHTTP status title."Bad Request"
detailError details."Invalid portfolio: ENTITY 10"


creatorThe user who created the job.


Required parameters are specified for portfolio view and query jobs within each description.

portfolio_typeRequired for portfolio view and portfolio query jobs.

Supported types:

Also supported for portfolio view jobs:

The type of portfolio.
portfolio_idRequired for portfolio view and portfolio query jobs.

Portfolio IDs can be configured in Addepar. IDs can represent one entity or a group of entities (query jobs only).

If the portfolio_type is FIRM, the portfolio_id must be 1.
view_idRequired for portfolio view jobs.

ID of the portfolio view.
output_typeRequired for portfolio view jobs.

The output format of the exported result.

Supported types:
start_dateRequired for portfolio view and portfolio query jobs.

The start date of the time period of portfolio data. "YYYY-MM-DD."
end_dateRequired for portfolio view and portfolio query jobs.

The end date of the time period of portfolio data. "YYYY-MM-DD."
columnsRequired for portfolio query jobs.

See Attributes to discover supported attributes.

See Arguments to discover supported attribute arguments.
[{"key": "time_weighted_return"}]
groupingsRequired for portfolio query jobs.

List of grouping attribute keys with optional arguments. Array of Objects.

Omitted arguments will use default values.

See Attributes to discover supported attributes.

See Arguments to discover supported attribute arguments.
[{"key": "asset_class"}]
filtersOptional for portfolio query jobs.

Filters rows from the result. Array of Objects.

To learn more, reference the Filter Object within Portfolio Query Jobs.
[{"attribute": "asset_class", "type": "discrete", "operator": "include", "values": ["Equity", "Fixed Income"]}
hide_previous_holdings Optional for portfolio query jobs.

Set to true to exclude holdings not held at end of current period. Boolean. (default: false)

Create a Portfolio View Job

Creates an asynchronous job to extract portfolio data for a saved view in Addepar.



Each job has a timeout limit of 4 hours.

POST /v1/jobs



HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


Response Codes:

  • 202 Accepted: Success. Returns JSON with created job information.
  • 400 Bad Request: Bad JSON: API format, missing parameters or badly formatted parameters
  • 403 Forbidden: User lacks API permission or has not granted the appropriate scope

Create a Portfolio Query Job

Creates an asynchronous job to extract portfolio data with a query.

POST /v1/jobs



              "period":"2019-12-31 to 2020-03-31"
              "Fixed Income"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

  "data": {
    "id": "b6c1b9da-4387-11ef-8636-dd826f8aeed1a",
    "type": "jobs",
    "attributes": {
      "job_type": "PORTFOLIO_QUERY",
      "parameters": {
        "columns": [{
            "key": "value",
            "arguments": {}
            "key": "value",
            "arguments": {
              "time_point": "2018-12-31"
            "key": "time_weighted_return",
            "arguments": {
              "period": "2019-12-31 to 2020-03-31"
        "groupings": [{
          "key": "asset_class",
          "arguments": {}
        "filters": [{
          "attribute": {
            "key": "asset_class",
            "arguments": {}
          "type": "discrete",
          "operator": "include",
          "values": [
            "Fixed Income"
        "portfolio_type": "entity",
        "portfolio_id": [
        "start_date": "2020-02-18",
        "end_date": "2020-03-18",
        "hide_previous_holdings": false
      "percent_complete": 0.0,
      "status": "Queued"
    "relationships": {
      "creator": {
        "links": {
          "self": "/v1/jobs/7/relationships/creator",
          "related": "/v1/jobs/7/creator"
        "data": {
          "type": "users",
          "id": "22"
    "links": {
      "self": "/v1/jobs/7"
  "included": []

Response Codes:

  • 202 Accepted: Success. Returns JSON with created job information.
  • 400 Bad Request: Bad JSON: API format, missing or badly formatted parameters
  • 403 Forbidden: User lacks API permission or has not granted the appropriate scope

Check the Status of a Job

Retrieves the status and parameters for a specific job.

GET /v1/jobs/:id


HTTP/1.1 200


Response Codes:

  • 200 OK: Success
  • 404 Not Found: Unable to locate the job with the given id, or user does not have permission to view the given job
  • 403 Forbidden: User lacks API permission or has not granted the appropriate scope

Download the Results of a Job

Returns the results of the given job.



Job results are deleted 24 hours after a job is created.

GET /v1/jobs/:id/download


HTTP/1.1 200

Content-Disposition: attachment; file name="portfolio_data.json"
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json


Response Codes:

  • 200 OK: Success. Returns a JSON, CSV, TSV or XLSX as requested.
  • 303 See Other: Completed asynchronous job. Follow the link in the "Location" header to retrieve the results.
  • 404 Not Found: Job has not completed or does not return any results
  • 410 Gone: Results have expired.

Check the Status of All Jobs

Retrieves the status and parameters of all jobs.

GET /v1/jobs


HTTP/1.1 200

            "title":"Bad Request",
            "detail":"Invalid portfolio: ENTITY 10"

Response Codes:

  • 200 OK: Success
  • 403 Forbidden: User lacks API permission or has not granted the appropriate scope

Cancel a job

Cancel a job that is has yet to start, is running, or already completed.

DELETE /v1/jobs/:id

When canceling a job with the status:

  • waiting_for_capacity the job will not run. Status change: user_canceled.
  • in_progress a request to cancel is submitted. Status change:cancel_requested, then user_canceled.
  • completed the results are archived. Status change: user_canceled.


204 No Content

Response Codes:

  • 204 No Content: Success. Cancel request submitted.
  • 404 Not Found: Cannot locate the job with the given ID, or you don't have permission to view the job.

What’s Next

Time to try it out for yourself: