Response Codes

Success Codes

The Addepar API returns HTTP response codes to clarify the status of each API request.

Status CodeTitleRequest Type
200OKSuccessful GET or PATCH request
201CreatedSuccessful POST request
202AcceptedSuccessful POST request to jobs route
204No ContentSuccessful DELETE request

Successful POST, PATCH, or DELETE to a relationships sub-route
303See OtherCompleted asynchronous job. Follow the link in the "Location" header to retrieve the results.

Unsuccessful Request Codes

A failed request to the Addepar API will result in one of the following status codes. Please review the "detail" field in the error response for additional information about a particular failed request.

Status CodeTitleReasonTroubleshooting
400Bad RequestImproperly formatted query parameters or payloadCheck the fields indicated in the error response.
401UnauthorizedFailed authenticationCheck the API key, secret, and "Addepar-Firm" header.
403ForbiddenUser lacks required permission(s)Check that the user has API permission and Application Permissions or has authorized the required OAuth scope required for the particular URL.
404Not FoundIncorrect URL or IDCheck that the ID is correct and the user has permission to access it.
405Method Not AllowedUnsupported HTTP methodGenerally only GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE are supported.
409ConflictAction would result in an invalid data stateCheck that the "type" field matches that of the URL.
410GoneThe resource was available but has expiredTry making another request to the Jobs API
415Unsupported Media TypeInvalid Content-Type headerAttach "Content-Type" header "application/vnd.api+json".
429Too Many RequestsRequest rate limit has been exceededCheck the "X-RateLimit-Retry-After" header for the number of seconds until the next request can be made.
500Internal Server ErrorAn unexpected error occurredPlease contact Support if you see this.

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