Response Codes
Success Codes
The Addepar API returns HTTP response codes to clarify the status of each API request.
Status Code | Title | Request Type |
200 | OK | Successful GET or PATCH request |
201 | Created | Successful POST request |
202 | Accepted | Successful POST request to jobs route |
204 | No Content | Successful DELETE request Successful POST, PATCH, or DELETE to a relationships sub-route |
303 | See Other | Completed asynchronous job. Follow the link in the "Location" header to retrieve the results. |
Unsuccessful Request Codes
A failed request to the Addepar API will result in one of the following status codes. Please review the "detail" field in the error response for additional information about a particular failed request.
Status Code | Title | Reason | Troubleshooting |
400 | Bad Request | Improperly formatted query parameters or payload | Check the fields indicated in the error response. |
401 | Unauthorized | Failed authentication | Check the API key, secret, and "Addepar-Firm" header. |
403 | Forbidden | User lacks required permission(s) | Check that the user has API permission and Application Permissions or has authorized the required OAuth scope required for the particular URL. |
404 | Not Found | Incorrect URL or ID | Check that the ID is correct and the user has permission to access it. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | Unsupported HTTP method | Generally only GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE are supported. |
409 | Conflict | Action would result in an invalid data state | Check that the "type" field matches that of the URL. |
410 | Gone | The resource was available but has expired | Try making another request to the Jobs API |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | Invalid Content-Type header | Attach "Content-Type" header "application/vnd.api+json". |
429 | Too Many Requests | Request rate limit has been exceeded | Check the "X-RateLimit-Retry-After" header for the number of seconds until the next request can be made. |
500 | Internal Server Error | An unexpected error occurred | Please contact Support if you see this. |
Updated over 4 years ago
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