FAQ and Troubleshooting
Does Addepar require a subscription?
Yes, the Addepar API requires an active Addepar subscription, contact us to learn more.
Who should I reach out to for assistance?
If you’re a client, contact us through the support tool in your Addepar application or contact our support team at (855) 464-6268, option 2.
If you’re a partner, contact partner support at [email protected].
If you’re someone seeking more information about Addepar, reach out to us at [email protected] or fill out this form.
Development Environment
When does my Academy test environment expire?
Academy has a 14-day expiration.
What code base does Academy run, and how often are they updated?
The Academy runs on production code. It's updated one week after each release.
What are the different Academy states?
- Running: Occurs when Academy is instantiated and has completed startup.
- Paused: Occurs if the Academy hasn't been accessed after 60-minutes.
- Terminated: Occurs if the Academy is in the Paused state for 30 days.
If someone requests a URL on your Academy, the system will spin it back up to the Running state. There's typically a 30- to 60-second delay as it spins up. As a result, automated tools may time out.
Analysis & Reporting
What are attributes, entities, and positions?
Attributes: Specific pieces of information that describe everything in Addepar.
Entities: The pieces that make up the ownership structure, like clients, legal entities, accounts, and investments.
Positions: The relationship between two parts of a portfolio holds information like value, percent of ownership, and inception date.
Learn more about core Addepar concepts in Addepar 101.
Are the values of my portfolio real time?
Addepar operates on an end-of-day convention: all dates represent the state of the data as it was at the end of each day in the configured date range.
For example, to run Q1 returns for 2020, you should report data from 12/31/2019 through 03/31/2020. If instead, you select 01/01/2020 through 03/31/2020, the report will include data from the end of the day on 01/01/2020 to the end of the day on 03/31/2020, and will not include any returns that may have occurred during the day on 01/01/2020.
How do I modify a view?
There are two types of views in Addepar: Analysis Views and Transactions Views.
Analysis Views
You need permission to access the Analysis tab, and thus, you need permission to modify Analysis Views. Contact your firm administrator for assistance.
Within Addepar, the Analysis tab is where you can analyze portfolio performance at any level. Information in Analysis is presented as views, and every view contains an asset table and up to two charts.
Transactions Views
You need permission to access the Transactions tab, and thus, you need permission to modify Transaction Views. Contact your firm administrator for assistance.
Within Addepar, the Transactions tab is a repository of all transactions for a given portfolio or asset, including those that come in automatically from custodial data feeds and those manually added by your firm. Information in Transactions is presented as views. Every transaction view contains a table but no charts. Unlike Analysis, the time period of data shown will not automatically reflect the start and end dates in the top left. You'll need to add a filter for Trade Date that includes only the current period.
How do I create a custom attribute and add it to a view?
To create custom attributes, you need to have permission to manage all attribute values and settings. Contact your firm administrator for assistance.
At a high-level, there are three kinds of custom attribute workflows within Addepar: Create an attribute with user-specified values, create an attribute with mapped values, and create an attribute with formula-based values.
Custom attributes are useful for recording or calculating data not covered by Addepar's standard set of attributes. You can create a custom attribute based on how you want its values to be derived. Like Addepar's built-in attributes, custom attributes are available to all members of your firm.
Can I increase my rate limits?
Yes, you can, by sending a request to your Addepar contact.
Do Addepar requests time out?
Yes, after 60 seconds, you’ll receive an 400 error response with the message “API request timeout exceeded.”
Are there payload size restrictions?
No, Addepar doesn’t explicitly enforce payload size restrictions.
How do I create an API Key & Secret?
For Developers: To request an API Key and Secret, reach out to your firm administrator.
For Firm Administrators:
- Within your Addepar application, select Firm Administration from the global navigation bar, select Firm Settings, then click API Access Key from the left menu.
- Click the plus button in the rightmost corner of the table header.
- Enter a description of the key (typically the name of the integration it supports).
- Click Submit.
- Record the key and secret, and store the combination in a secure location.
Learn more about creating and using your API Key & Secret in Basic Authentication.
OAuth: Why am I getting 400 errors?
One common reason is that Addepar has a whitelist of redirect_uris. If your redirect_uri is not whitelisted, it will result in a 400 error. Learn more in OAuth.
If my result set is inconsistent from what I’m expecting, what’s happening?
You may not have the appropriate permissions. Contact your firm administrator for assistance.
Which routes are paginated?
- Entities
- Positions
- Users
- Groups
- Files
- Archived Files
Learn more in Pagination.
Updated 10 months ago