The Transactions Query API allows clients to query for transactions based on dates and attributes, providing a way for partners and clients to get transaction data back into their data warehouses.
Base Route | /v1/transactions/query |
Endpoints | POST /v1/transactions/query |
Produces | JSON |
Pagination | No |
Application Permissions Required | "API Access: Create, edit, and delete" "Transaction firm view: View only" and "Transactions: View-only" to extract view data. |
Resource Overview
The resource object will return attributes specified by columns in successful POST requests for the Transactions Query API. A meta-object will also be returned in the response detailing the columns used in the query.
Required Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example |
column | List of column attribute keys. [String]. | ["trade_date", "security"] |
start_date | The start date of the time period of transaction data. String. "YYYY-MM-DD" | "2021-09-05" |
end_date | The end date of the time period of transaction data. String. "YYYY-MM-DD" | "2021-09-06" |
portfolio_type | The type of portfolio. String. Supported Values: - FIRM - FIRM_ACCOUNTS - FIRM_CLIENTS - FIRM_HOUSEHOLDS - FIRM_UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNTS - GROUP - ENTITY | "ENTITY" |
portfolio_id or external_ids See below. | The ID of a portfolio configured in Addepar. Number or [Number]. A portfolio can be either an entity (i.e. a client, account, legal entity etc.) or a group of entities. If the portfolio_type is FIRM , the portfolio_id must be 1. | 7 [22, 24] |
external_ids | External id of the entity/group being queried for. Array of Objects. | [{ "external_type_key": "salesforce", "external_id": "salesforce_external_id" }] |
Transaction Columns
Column | Appears in Addepar As |
account_number | Account # |
accrued_income | Snapshot Accrued Income |
are_tax_lots_ignored | Are Custodian Tax Lots Ignored |
asset_class | Asset Class |
cash_account | Paid to(from) |
client | Client |
comments | Comments |
context | Context |
currency | Currency |
cusip | CUSIP |
data_source | Data Source |
data_type | Summary Data Level |
description | Description |
direct_owner_id | Direct Owner Entity ID |
edited_online_data | Edited Online Data |
associated_hidden_positions | Associated Hidden Position(s) |
entity_id | Entity ID |
ex_date | Ex-Date |
fees | Fees |
fund | Fund |
affected_by_hidden_positions | Affected by Hidden Position(s) |
has_tax_lots | Has Tax Lots |
has_wash_sale | Has Wash Sale |
is_verified | Is Verified |
direct_owner | Direct Owner |
id | ID |
isin | ISIN |
limited_partner | Limited Partner |
other_affected_assets | Other Affected Assets |
ownership_type | Ownership Type |
account_name | Account Name |
position | Position |
position_id | Position ID |
posted_date | Posted Date |
price_factor | Price Factor |
price_per_share | Price Per Share |
recallable_amount | Recallable Amount |
security | Security |
model_type | Security Model Type |
sedol | SEDOL |
grouping_configuration | Grouping Configuration |
tag | TAG |
ticker_symbol | Ticker Symbol |
trade_date | Trade Date |
settlement_date | Settlement Date |
snapshot_units | Snapshot Units |
summary | Summary |
transaction_units | Transaction Units |
type | Type |
units | Units |
units_changed | Units Changed |
value | Value |
vendor_id | Vendor ID |
affects_adjusted_value | Affects Adjusted Value |
affects_cost_basis | Affects Cost Basis |
affects_paid_in_capital | Affects Paid-in Capital |
affects_unfunded_commitments | Affects Unfunded Commitments |
general_fee | General Fee |
external_brokerage_fee | External Broker Fee |
internal_brokerage_fee | Internal Broker Fee |
other_government_tax | Other Government Tax |
counterparty_fee | Counterparty Fee |
entry_exit_fee | Entry and Exit Fee |
foreign_fee | Foreign Fee |
matching_fee | Matching/Confirmation Fee |
market_fee | Market Fee |
market_tax | Market Tax |
other_fee | Other Fee |
stamp_tax | Stamp Duty |
stock_exchange_tax | Stock Exchange Tax |
stock_exchange_fee | Stock Exchange Fee |
turnover_fee | Turnover Fee |
value_added_tax | Value Added Tax (VAT) |
withholding_tax | Withholding Tax |
last_edit_by | Last Edited By |
last_edit_date | Last Edited Date |
modified_date | Modified Date |
general_distribution | General Distribution |
return_of_capital | Return of Capital |
long_term_capital_gain | Long-Term Capital Gain |
short_term_capital_gain | Short-Term Capital Gain |
unknown_capital_gain | Unknown Capital Gain |
interest_income | Interest Income |
ordinary_income | Ordinary Income |
dividend_income | Dividend Income |
total_distribution | Total Distribution |
created_date | Created Date |
Query Transactions Data
Returns transaction data based on the given query parameters.
POST /v1/transactions/query
POST https://examplefirm.addepar.com/api/v1/transactions/query
"data": {
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"columns": ["direct_owner", "security", "value", "trade_date"],
"portfolio_type": "GROUP",
"portfolio_id": 7,
"start_date": "2021-02-01",
"end_date": "2021-03-01",
"include_online_valuations": false,
"include_unverified": false,
"include_deleted": true
HTTP/1.1 200
"meta": {
"columns": [
"data": [
"id": "7",
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Person 1",
"entity_id": 22
"security": {
"name": "Holding Company 1 Display Name",
"entity_id": 21
"trade_date": "2000-01-01",
"value": null
"included": [],
"links": {
"next": null
Response Codes:
200 OK
: Success400 Bad Request
: Improperly formatted query or lacking necessary data permissions403 Forbidden
: User lacks API permission or has not granted the appropriate scope
Optional Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example |
filters | A transactions query filter may be attached to a transactions query to filter rows from the result. Array of Objects. To learn more, reference the Filter Object section below. | [{ "operator": "include", "type": "discrete", "values": ["11112222"], "attribute": "security" }] |
sortings | A transactions query sorting may be attached to a transactions query to sort rows. Accepts up to 3 columns to sort by. Array of objects. Default to trade date. | [{ "attribute": "trade_date", "ascending": false }] |
limit | The max number of transactions returned by the query. Number. Default to null (No limit, returns everything unless request times out.) | 500 |
include_online_valuations | Whether online snapshots should be returned by the query. Boolean. Default to false. | true |
include_unverified | Whether unverified transactions should be returned by the query. Boolean. Default to false. | true |
include_deleted | Whether deleted online transactions should be returned by the query. Boolean. Default to false. | true |
Filter Object
Filters are used in Transaction Views to filter data. For example, to see only certain transactions, you can filter by start date.
Parameters | Description | Example |
attribute | The instance of the portfolio query attribute to be filtered on. String. | "start_date" |
operator | Specifies the operation of the filter. String. Supported Values: - include - exclude | "include" |
type | Specifies the type of filter to be applied, which is based on the output type of the attribute. String. Supported Values: - DISCRETE - NUMBER - DATE - STRING | "discrete" |
values (plural) | Required for type DISCRETE : values , a list of String values to match against, case-sensitive. | ["Transaction ID", "Entity ID"] |
value (singular) | Query transactions by comments or descriptions. Required for type STRING : A single string with space separated tokens to match against is required. | "stock Apple" This will match any comment or description containing the word stock or Apple. |
date | Required for type DATE :period , instance of date_filter_period. Array of objects.For more information on date filter, see below. | {"type": "static_time_period", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-12-30"} |
number | Required for type NUMBER :start , numeric value denoting the starting point.end , numeric value denoting the ending point. | 1, 30.5 |
POST https://examplefirm.addepar.com/api/v1/transactions/query
"data": {
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"columns": ["direct_owner", "value","trade_date"],
"filters": [
"operator": "include",
"type": "discrete",
"values": ["Buy",
"attribute": "direct_owner"
"portfolio_type": "firm",
"portfolio_id": [1],
"start_date": "2021-09-05",
"end_date": "2021-10-05",
"include_online_valuations": false,
"include_unverified": false,
"include_deleted": true
HTTP/1.1 200
"meta": {
"columns": [
"data": [
"id": "1919",
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Integration Tester",
"entity_id": 183
"trade_date": "2005-01-01",
"value": null
"id": "1960",
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Integration Tester",
"entity_id": 183
"trade_date": "2007-01-01",
"value": -100000
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Integration Tester",
"entity_id": 183
"trade_date": "2007-01-01",
"value": 100000
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Integration Tester",
"entity_id": 183
"trade_date": "2015-02-01",
"value": 100100
"included": [],
"links": {
"next": null
Date Filters
To filter by dates, create a period object, then identify the type of date filter and use any required formatting.
Parameters | Details | Example |
type | Specifies the type of date filter to be applied. String. Supported values: - current_time_period - inception_to_start_date_time_period - relative_time_period - since_inception_time_period - static_time_period - trailing_time_period - custom_time_period | "current_time_period" |
start | Required for static_time_period . String."YYYY-MM-DD" | "2021-01-01" |
end | Required for static_time_period . String."YYYY-MM-DD" | "2021-12-30" |
period | Required for relative_time_period and trailing_time_period . String.P1D, P2K, P1Q , etc.D = Days K = weekdays W = Weeks M = Months Q = Quarters Y = Years | "P3K" |
Static Time Period Example
POST https://examplefirm.addepar.com/api/v1/transactions/query
"data": {
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"columns": ["direct_owner", "security", "value", "trade_date"],
"filters": [
"attribute": "trade_date",
"operator": "include",
"type": "date",
"period": {
"type": "static_time_period",
"start": "2020-01-02",
"end": "2020-01-03"
"portfolio_type": "entity",
"portfolio_id": [206],
"start_date": "2019-12-01",
"end_date": "2019-12-31",
"include_online_valuations": false,
"include_unverified": false,
"include_deleted": true
HTTP/1.1 200
"meta": {
"columns": [
"data": [
"id": "1976",
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "11112222",
"entity_id": 208
"security": {
"name": "USD",
"entity_id": 20
"trade_date": "2020-01-03",
"value": -100100
"included": [],
"links": {
"next": null
Trailing Time Period Example
POST https://examplefirm.addepar.com/api/v1/transactions/query
"data": {
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"columns": ["direct_owner", "security", "value", "trade_date"],
"filters": [
"attribute": "trade_date",
"operator": "include",
"type": "date",
"period": {
"type": "trailing_time_period",
"period": "P2K"
"portfolio_type": "entity",
"portfolio_id": [206],
"start_date": "2019-12-01",
"end_date": "2019-12-31",
"include_online_valuations": false,
"include_unverified": false,
"include_deleted": true
HTTP/1.1 200
"meta": {
"columns": [
"data": [
"id": "1971",
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Conversions Client",
"entity_id": 206
"security": {
"name": "11112222",
"entity_id": 208
"trade_date": "2019-12-31",
"value": null
"id": "1970",
"type": "transaction_query",
"attributes": {
"direct_owner": {
"name": "Conversions Client",
"entity_id": 206
"security": {
"name": "33334444",
"entity_id": 212
"trade_date": "2019-12-31",
"value": null
"included": [],
"links": {
"next": null
To narrow your response you can use sortings.
Attribute | Description | Example |
sortings | A transactions query sorting may be attached to a transactions query to sort rows. Accepts up to sorting 3 columns, and the order of the columns determines their priority in the request. Array of objects. Default to trade date. | [{ "attribute": "trade_date", "ascending": false, }] |
In this example, the request is first sorted by the newest trade date, then securities in alphabetical order.
POST https://examplefirm.addepar.com/api/v1/transactions/query
"columns":["direct_owner", "security","trade_date", "id" ],
HTTP/1.1 200
"name":"Integration Tester 2",
"name":"Integration Trust 2",
"name":"Transaction ID 2",
"name":"Integration Tester 1",
"name":"Integration Trust 1",
"name":"Transaction ID 1",
"included":[ ],
Updated 8 months ago