Billable Portfolios
A billable portfolio is a portfolio that is associated with a specific fee schedule. A billable portfolio can be a household, client, legal entity, or group. Use the Billable Portfolios API to add new portfolios to Billing.

Base route | /v1/billable_portfolios |
Endpoints | POST /v1/billable_portfolios |
Produces | JSON |
Pagination | No |
Application permissions required | "Run and manage bills, include fee adjustment and payment tracking" or "Full access to Billing and billing data" |
OAuth scopes | BILLING_WRITE |
Resource overview
Arguments are described by the below resource object attributes and will appear in successful POST responses.
Attribute | Description | Example |
id | The billable portfolio's ID. List of integers. | [1234, 5678] |
Parameter | Description | Example |
entity_id | The ID of the entity that is a billable portfolio. You can only use either entity_id or group_id per request, not both. | 1234 |
group_id | The ID of the group that is a billable portfolio. You can only use either entity_id or group_id per request, not both. | 4567 |
schedule_id | The ID of the associated fee schedule. | 9101 |
Add a billable portfolio
Set up a group or entity for billing with a specified fee schedule.
POST /v1/billable_portfolios
“data”: {
“type”: “create_billable_portfolio”,
“attributes”: {
“group_id”: 1,
“schedule_id”: 2
HTTP/1.1 200
“id”: 1234
“data”: {
“type”: “create_billable_portfolio”,
“attributes”: {
“entity_id”: 1,
“schedule_id”: 2
HTTP/1.1 200
“id”: 1234
Response codes:
200 OK
: Success400 Bad Request
: Failed during validation403 Forbidden
: Insufficient application permissions or appropriate scope not granted404 Not Found
: Argument does not exist
Updated 16 days ago